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June 18, 2004


doc Russia

well damn, Jim!
whatever it is it sounds like fun.
I am headed to Dallas myself, so I guess we will both be travelling.

Terry Reynolds

Jim - The cat's out of the bag ... Connie has already mentioned that you're seeing the duToits this weekend. Damn, color me envious. Have a great time, you lucky devil. Best, Terry

A Recovering Liberal

My mind said "haircut + dry cleaners + new shoes = date." ;^)

Best wishes for a grand weekend with the duToits.

Guy S.

Have a great time!!


Sounds fun... I'm going to be firing my new SMLE for the first time tomorrow.


Recovering Liberal posted:

My mind said "haircut + dry cleaners + new shoes = date." ;^)

Well, given that the term "date" for me normally involves pouring some Maker's Mark into my hand to get my "date" drunk, I'll take R.L.'s assumption as high praise, indeed.

And no, I usually don't need to employ the use of ammunition to get a date.

< /snark, off>

Sloop New Dawn
Galveston, TX

A Recovering Liberal

LOL! In my mind, the ammunition would've served as more bait for the date.

I mean, yer in Texas of all gawdforsaken places. Who knows what the wimmin there consider attractive ;^)


Texas bashing? On my blog, you're Texas bashing?

Sounds to me like an invite for lo, these many Texas women to step in and have their say!

How 'bout it, ladies? *grin*

Sloop New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Denita TwoDragons

Recovering Liberal, I can only say one thing: Seattle isn't in Texas. Sure, we have Austin to deal with, but it's a relatively isolated pocket of moonbats compared to the rest of the state. And where else can you find damn-near anything edible dipped in batter and deep-fried...? ;-)

Texas kinda grows on you after a while, like that quirky Uncle with the hot-pink sunglasses wired to the front grille of his purple '76 Pontiac and the exquisite taste in cigars...


A Recovering Liberal

Oh for heaven's sake. I was jesting, Jim! But it wouldn't surprise me to learn that Texas chicks find ammunition and guns more attractive than SoCal chicks (like the ones who live around me).

The Texans I know -- which includes Jim, relatives and business associates -- are a grand group of folks. I'm not bashing Texans.

I will bash west Texas. Talk about gawdforsaken. Try driving through that desolate, hot landscape in a 30-year-old car without air conditioning while sitting on black vinyl after running out of deodorant. Good thing I was traveling alone.


Eeew... I bet you smelled like a liberal then!

I saw the Texas Panhandle from the top of the Tooth of Time in New Mexico, looked a lot like New Mexico did. Nice place to visit, wouldn't want to live there.

As for a date... I'm in Seattle, and I'm LOOKING for a girl who finds ammunition good bait for a date. Still looking...

Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant

I will bash west Texas. Talk about gawdforsaken. Try driving through that desolate, hot landscape in a 30-year-old car without air conditioning while sitting on black vinyl after running out of deodorant. Good thing I was traveling alone.

Hate to say it, but the man has a point.

Hell, they even got the lottery winner this weekend, too...dammit. >X-O

Alaska Kim

Galvetraz? That reminded me of Odessa, TX, better known as Slow-Deatha! That would be in west Texas!

A Recovering Liberal

Lord Spatula,

that would be "...the woman has a point." ;^)

Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant

that would be "...the woman has a point." ;^)

Ah. Many apologies. :-)

A Recovering Liberal

Lord Spatula,

gracious of you to offer. Thank you.

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