How utterly droll.
Diane Feinstein (Ditz, CA) blithely and maliciously shoves her corrupt Assault Weapons Ban Ugly Guns that Scare Her Bill back onto the main Senate calendar.
Her bill, having been soundly defeated just a few short weeks ago by normal parlimentarian means, has been revived by ....well, never mind, the Senate rule invoked is obscure and rarely used.
It should not have been used in this instance.
So then, it is imperative for all of us who are concerned with our God Given Second Amendment Rights to take heed, to take action and to press on this issue firmly, loudly and constantly until it is as dead as dead can be.
What action, you ask? Doc Russia has tips. The Geek with a .45 has more background, and additional useful links.
In short, write e-mail, write snail mail, fax and make those phone calls! Every damn one of 'em matters, I assure you.
Now then. What of Rome burning, you ask? Feinstien fiddles with the (so called) AWB ban, which hasn't done a damned thing to effect crime since it's been in place.
While in the meantime, and tragically, the body count of adolecsents just marches steadily along.
While fewer and fewer of them use guns to seal their tragic demise, an increasing percentage of them simply use a rope to accomplish their goal.
For all of HCI's caterwauling about guns and kids, have you heard anything about teens and ropes? A peep, anywhere?
And I'm not going to make the gratuitous jokes about banning deadly assault ropes. Too easy for one, and I've got a more serious point to make here.
It's about grandstanding and it's about ego. Diane's ego, to be specific.
She is so inexorably intertwined and self-identified with her cherished AWB, that she's seemingly blind and deaf to the real need of some very disturbed and anguished teens out there.
Kids who need help. Who are crying out for help.
While I'm not big on funding most typical hand-wringing, bedwetting liberal social service agencies out there, I'm one-thousand percent behind supporting the suicide prevention hotlines.
Because, unlike ill-considered bans of various guns soley for cosmetic reasons, the intervention hotlines do something different.
They work.
I haven't much cared for her since I heard the speech that she gave after the banning of partial birth abortions.
She whined and complained as though giving a eulogy for the women's movement. She claimed it had been set back fifty years or so...
I'm all for progress, but her definition is highly skewed.
Posted by: Key | June 11, 2004 at 04:17 PM
One important thing to remember: When it was introduced as an amendment to the bill to protect gun manufacturers from frivolous lawsuits it won a majority. And it was that amendment that killed the bill. The bill was withdrawn by its sponsor because of the "poison pill" of the AWB extension.
DiFi apparently believes she can acquire the necessary votes to get it to pass the Senate on its own. She might be right.
We cannot relax yet.
Posted by: Kevin Baker | June 11, 2004 at 07:42 PM