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June 10, 2004



Who other than the ones he humbled would know the greatness of a man like Reagan? "Some" here in America could learn from Gorby.

Emperor Misha I

Thank you for that picture, Jim.

It reminds me why I, even though he was my enemy, always respected him. I didn't quite understand it at the time, but this picture explains it perfectly.

Sharps Shooter

Powerful, cogent picture.

Wordlessly, I'm touched, moved and inspired.

My fear of the USSR grew and grew, from the under-desk atomic-bomb self-defense exercises as a child in 1957 London, through years of headlines, radio talk, TV explanation and outright worry...

Then, while living in Korea, close to an actual remnant of the mind-set which brought us the ugliness of Communism in the USSR, Reagan took the helm, and steered America toward 'that light on the mountainside' towards which we 'pilgrims' were hurtling...

May God Bless America with MORE Reagans, people of conviction and clarity, moral fiber and courage!

Steve Teeter

While I was watching the service at the National Cathedral last night, the camera switched briefly to an absolutely amazing sight. Mikhail Gorbachev and Margaret Thatcher sitting side by side to honor Ronald Reagan. In 1985, that would have been literally inconceivable.

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