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June 05, 2004



I completely missed this one -- ugh!

Surely they could have been charged with Complicity in a Terrorist Act. Or Accessory to an Act of War. Stupidity in Search for Self-Aggrandizment. Something.


That's a sickening article. The "journalists" were probably hoping to see some dead bodies after the bomb exploded. Fucking jackals.


There is one way to stop this crap.
This is going to be easy if and only if enough people will do it.
1.Watch CBS,ABC,NBC,CNN et.al.
2.Note the sponsers of the "News Programs"
3.E-Mail the Sponsers,tell them that you will no longer buy their products,because of the reporting of biased coverage.That you will no longer support un-American Companies,by buying their products.
4.contact any store that carries the product and tell them you will no longer shop there untill they drop that product as the product is giveing aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States.
All of this would take a very small ammount of time each day for a month.
Nice and simple
your News doesn't tell the truth I will not buy what you are selling


Sounds like Airboss has a constructive suggestion. Could be very effective if enough people would act on it. Probably more meaningful than a rant. Let's do it!

Raging Dave

Remember, they're not anti-war, they're just on the other side!

The more I see incidents like this, the more I realise just how true that quote is.

Robert McClelland



A lone man staged a short-lived demonstration on Tiananmen Square Thursday night, the eve of the 15th anniversary of China's bloody military crackdown on democracy protests, a witness said.

The man, about 50 years old, kneeled briefly to pray at the foot of the Monument to the Peoples' Heroes at the center of the square, where tens of thousands of students gathered from April to June 1989 to press demands for democratic reform.

He was swiftly taken away by police, according to a Reuters photographer who witnessed the scene. Police in plain clothes and in uniform routinely comb the square on sensitive anniversaries, snuffing out protests as quickly as they start.


A 21-year-old college student could spend years in jail on bomb threat charges after he stood silently outside a military recruitment office dressed like an Iraqi prisoner: in a black cape, hooded, wearing stereo wires hanging from his fingers. The police charged Joseph Previtera with making a bomb threat since the stereo wires resembled wires to a bomb. Prvitera stood outside the recruitment center for over an hour. And then the police arrived. Within hours he was facing charges more serious than any US soldier is facing for their role in the actual prison abuse in Iraq. Previtera was charged with three crimes: disturbing the peace, possession of a hoax device and making a false bomb threat. If convicted he could face years in prison.

Well Robert, you really are the master of moral equivication.

What happened fifteen years ago in Tiananmen Square was the act of an evil government slaughtering at least four-hundred freedom seeking Chinese patriots.

The Chinese officials responsible for that massacre have never been held to account. Nor has any soldier or tanker whose finger pressed a trigger or whose hand guided the treads of his tank over one of those citizens.

In fact, to this day the communists deny that any such slaughter ever took place.

Contrast that with what happened in Iraq. That was the act of a handful of undisciplined, loutish enlisted brutes, who were turned in by an honest soldier. Who were already deeply into the pipleline of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, long before the press begain it's weeks-long mediagasm.

Unlike China, the Brigadier General in charge of the prison has been sacked, as well as various and sundry subordinate officers careers having been foreshortened by mere association.

Convictions at General Courts Martial have already been secured, and maximun sentences imposed.

So, in short. Fuck off with your despicably immoral "moralizing". (sneer quotes courtesy New York Times).

And your headupassed hero at the recruiting office? Good. I hpoe they throw the book at him.

He may not have had a bomb, but his joke bombed, badly. As did your vain attempt to compare the two events.

I'm sure that the charges will eventually be reduced, and I have no problem with that. But I have no problem with booking him on 'em, just as he was.

Frankly, I think the effect would have been enhanced if some quick-thinking soul would have just plugged those wires into the nearest outlet.

Sloop New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Jay G

This is way beyond boycotting time.

This is time to sight in the scopes, folks.

These people are working with our enemies, plain and simple. They were hoping to get footage of an ambush that they could use to further promulgate the myth that Iraq is total chaos in the hopes of us losing our nerve and turning tail.

They are working hand-in-fucking-hand with al Quaeda. And they are legitmate targets IMHO.

Sharps Shooter

I'm reminded of Will Whittle's observation that normal, courteous humans CANNOT imagine the depths to which humans bent on viciousness will descend!

Left-leaning Liberals use every angle possible to impose upon the ordinary human desire to forgive, to withold judgement, to see innocence unless and until proven guilty, to 'give the benefit of the doubt'...

Until we're knee-deep in American blood, grimy with the dust of two fallen towers, and choking on the 'benefit of the doubt!'

I will NOT forget! I will NOT benefit them with one iota of doubt, for there is NO DOUBT that Islamofascists want me dead, and my wife and children available to rape and demean! I will not forgive, nor will I hesitate to step into the breach and fire point-blank when they make themselves a target.

The time for courtesy is done, gone, over! Now we fight to save America!

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