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June 07, 2004



Was wondering why he wasn't posting. Do you know if he's able to read is email yet?


Well, if he sent, I'd bet he can check it now and again. Thanks for the update, Jim.


In a telephone conversation with George a while back, we had discussed his upcoming surgery and his plans regarding connectivity.

When he had that trip to the E.R., his lovely bride brought his laptop to him a few days into the hopsital stay. Per his description; it sucked to try to use dial-up through the hospital phone system.

So, I think he may be able to check mail, but I rather doubt he'll hassle with posting or mail replies until he's back home and logged onto his high-speed network.

In any case, keep all that good ju-ju heading his way, y'all.

Sloop New Dawn
Galveston, TX

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