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June 28, 2004



Thank you Captain, from the bottom of our hearts. The First Mate saw this post and it was the first thing that lifted her spirits since the vet came to do his task.

SG1 (Sun Gatherer First Class) Erin, daughter, is in South America, finding a way to get 3300 meters closer to the sun and learn Spanish at the same time, and I will send a link to her in email.

We had a little ceremony here. I read a short eulogy, we had a toast and I rang the ship's bell for Snowflake. When the Sun Gatherer returns, we will take Snowflake's ashes out on the River and have a proper ceremony.

Terry Reynolds

Dear Jim - Below you'll find, (if I did this right), the note I sent to Rivrdog and crew:

Dear Rivrdog - As the proud companion of two 18 year-olds, (you never "own" a cat ... they merely allow you to accompany them), I grieve along with you. I'm already seeing the beginnings of the long fade. Sail on little Snowflake. The best to you, sir, and the rest of your crew, Terry

Thank you for letting all us cat lovers to share this story. Best, Terry

Gene Pool

I just started looking in on your blog this week. I know how you feel about Snowflake; my dog of 15 years died back in the late '80s and we still grieve over his passing. Old Bart--man what a dog! You will always have the memories.

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