Gun Porn from the Airboss' Collection, for your viewing pleasure.
"Sure I can stop anytime I want to!
Hi my name is Airboss and I am a S&W addict."
(click on image to enlarge)
On the right from the top:
M-49 38 special, M-640 Ported .357, M-649 .38 special, M-15 .38 special, M-24 3".44 Special,
In the Circle, from 12 Clockwise.
M-24 3".44Special, M-624 .44Special 3", M-19 .357 21/2", M-29 .44 Mag 3", M-625 .45ACP 3", M-66 .357 2-1/2", M-625 3" .45 LC, Pre M-21 5 Screw 3" .44 Special
I've had the pleasure and distinct honor of burning ammo at Airboss' ranch. Those Smiths are indeed in the care of a true gentleman and scholar of the gun world, and of many other classic fields as well.
Now if I can just horse-trade him out of that M-625 for this unfired Ruger Security-Six I've got layin' around.
Waaaaaaaait a minute, Jim. You ben holding out on me. Thought I mentioned I was looking for a Security Six to trade for.
What do ya have in mind for it? Gun? $$$? What?
It is a .357, right?
Posted by: Rivrdog | June 30, 2004 at 12:05 AM
Oh, that hurts, an unfired Security Six? That was my very first handgun, and still holds a special place in my heart. Don't tell me what you want for it, or Rivrdog and I will be in a bidding war...
Posted by: Dave | June 30, 2004 at 10:45 PM
And here I thought I was the only wheelgun aficionado left...
If it weren't for the fact that I live in the friggin' People's Republic of Massachusetts, I was all set to relieve Airboss of one of those delicious little guns (***IF*** they DEIGN to allow a transfer, the paperwork alone will cover a couple of landfills... Plus the fees are outrageous - you just know that in Taxachusetts the bureaucrats are going to get their pound of flesh and then some...)
And Jim, a Ruger Security Six was my first firearm purchase ever. Keep it. It's a great gun, and you won't get all that much for it (I paid $250 for mine ten years ago...)
Pickin' up the S&W Model 360 PD (a TWELVE OUNCE .357 Magnum!!!) on Saturday. Range report on Sunday... :) (I only had to sell a motorcycle to get the Mrs. to allow me to buy a new gun...) *g*
Posted by: Jay G (a.k.a. Guy) | July 07, 2004 at 07:58 AM
If anyone is interested in buying a S&W .44 special, M-624, email me for more information, it is in great condition and would sell lower than most people!!!!!
Posted by: Jason | September 14, 2005 at 06:54 AM
I am interested in that 624. jakeblade9 at yahoo dot com
Posted by: Jake Sandoval | December 12, 2005 at 11:51 AM