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June 21, 2004


A Recovering Liberal

Jim, you have a wonderful way with words. This really made an impression:

it is the undefinable process wherein a person somehow transcends the normal boundaries of mere cordiality or amiable discourse and become that different, special sort of person in your life.

Pleased to hear that you enjoyed such a great weekend (c:


Thanks for sharing your feelings on friendship in such a beautiful way. Also, thanks for coming home. I missed you!

Dennis Cottingham

You're more than welcome. And the offer to stay with us extends to the future. It was a great weekend!

Emperor Misha I

Thanks, Jim, you are too kind.

And likewise. You are a gentleman AND a scholar and it was a great honor and pleasure to finally meet you.

Next time, I WILL sing "I like traffic lights" whether anybody wants me to or not ;)

LC Steve, KotE

Damn, Jim. I'm jealous. If I ever get my rear end out Texas way, I'm definitely gonna look you up.

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