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June 09, 2004


dragonfly jenny

Here in South Austin we used to have a shop marked by a sign that read GUNS - JUST GUNS, but in the relentless trendification of the SoCo district, that venerable establishment has given way to an ethnic weaponry boutique that is dedicated to purveying only environmentally friendly, shade-grown ammo.

Kevin Baker

I hope to get to Houston on business some time this year (Toshiba has a pretty good sized industrial plant there, and my company is a distributor for them.) I'll have to look you up if the trip happens.


I can also spend quite a while in a bookstore - my record is over four hours while my aunt and sister hit most places in the mall, I never left the books.


OT - Know where one can get an application to Dax's private club? What's up with that?


Honey, it's not a sacrifice if you don't mind being there...

Let's talk outlet mall. ; )

A Recovering Liberal

"aromatherapy for the un-pussified" -- that's how I think of the Costa Mesa Speedway and that distinctive-smelling fuel (c:

Mmmmm... men in form-fitting leathers... excuse me while I wipe off this drool...


As a fellow Houstonian I have to agree about Collector's. I've bought three of our four guns there. The only reason the fourth was not purchased there was due to demand at Christmastime. My wife wanted to by me a Henry Goldenboy (lovely woman) and they were sold out. Went to Academy instead. Other than that they have my business PERIOD. And they will negotiate, especially on used guns (Benelli 20 gauge for the wife).

I drive by Collector's on my way to work every day. Luckily it is usually 6 am so they are not open.


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