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June 22, 2004



After 16 months I almost feel like I can get a point across. That's the only purpose of blogging for me: to try to communicate a little better. Thanks for your sentiments, and you hold your own quite well, laddie.


If you don't receive my retirement watch in a couple of days, let me know. I didn't put a return address on the package and I boxed the watch in an empty Winchester .410 shell container. I thought "HOLY SHIT!" after I mailed it.

A ticking ammo box. I can see a bomb squad going after that baby.


Please don't be discouraged, keep writing, yours is one of the blogs that I check every day to see what you have to say, because you generally say it so eloquently.


Wow Jim... I think I just saw the inside of your mind.

I have those sentiments often. Time is a resource, and it does not seem to be rationed out evenly.

And Rob! You're going to have special agents all over our blogson. What have you done?

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