Not only my reaction, but the reaction in the polls, among my liberal co-workers and pretty much everywhere else to the Coronation of Ms. United Nations at last night's donkathon.
Frankly, aside from the usual taunts and jeers of derision for just about every word that comes out of that pseudopod's botoxed face, I've damned little in the way of response to the forty minutes of lies, exaggerations, misdirections and deceits that passed for a major party's nominee's acceptance speech.
We've seen it all before, and we've heard it for years. The left's pitiful reliance on the same old litanies will just pull them further from the mainstream, deeper into defeat, and that at a faster pace than ever.
This year, we're really not running against the Democrat party, anyway. They're no longer a viable opposition party, all things considered.
Stick the proverbial fork in 'em, etc.
However, the fights not done, nor to be taken for granted. For there exists yet some real opposition, with real power, real influence and one hell of a track record in recent elections.
This of course would be our objective biased Mainstream Media. With members like CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, PBS, N.Y. Times, etc, ad-nauseum, I'm not sure what the party's name is, but I can damn well assure you that they're real, they're focused and they have a mission to accomplish.
Defeating them won't be effortless, but the plan of attack is easy enough to say in just a few words.
Just keep blogging the truth. Kill 'em with facts. Expose their lies, incessantly. Put brakes to their spin on the truth.
Kick the legs out from under the mainstream media, and the donks will fall flat on their ass.