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July 10, 2004



I live in Massachusetts, so thanks for a much-needed laugh. Could've done without rinsing my sinuses with hot tea, though.


I think I'm gonna be sick. Oh well, it's good these two found each other...wonder what their wives will think...losing their husbands to a man...not that there's anything wrong with that.

Guy S.

Serenity, I think you are on the right track but are missing an important point.

"wonder what their wives will think...losing their husbands to a man."

I would imagine their wives may very well be feeling a sense of relief. As for that second part, who said they were loosing their husbands to a MAN??? Neither is emotionally mature enough to qualify for that title.

Daniel Day

So this is what the VRWC radio hosts have been talking about. I haven't been watching TV. Two of these photos were enough for me.


Damn Jim! And here I just cleaned the coffee off my monitor the other day! Oh well....

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