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July 14, 2004



We need more gals like your Dodie, Jim! Kudos to Dodie!!

Kim du Toit

Whoa... outstanding. And wotta nice rifle it is, too.
[goes off to sulk]


Your Dodie isn't getting ready to go SASS on us is she? Rossi rifle, lever action, octagon barrel, .38/.357 (a recognized SASS caliber). Hmmm...if she takes riding lessons and starts purchasing her outfits, you might be suspicious. If she asks you to help her with a "western" nickname, you can be sure. Then she will want a Ruger Vaquero or some such SA revolver. (grins)

What a pity. Going from the bright light of SHTF preparation to the "dark side" of Cowboy Action shooting.

It was the octagon barrel that gave her away....

Bob Baird

Jim --

Be sure to give me a call when you get to Orlando. I'd like to meet you and your folks.

Bob Baird
(407) ***-**** (#s redacted for security, Jim) my DJJ office. That's the best way to get me usually.

There are several excellent ranges in the Orlando area. Where do your folks go? I like to go to the Shoot Straight range out towards Apopka on 441. If you haven't wandered through that toyland I'll have to take you guys out there.



I always take my range time seriously.

But I always have fun too... ne reason you can't combine goals there.



David S

Ah, another novitiate to the Holy Order of St John M Browning. She's really gonna like that rifle. The Rossi Puma is one of my 'Wish I still had it' guns. I was at an IPSC match a few years ago, and they had a falling plate side match for rifles. I shot it twice, once with a Steyr AUG, and once with my Rossi. Shot faster with the Rossi.

David S.
People's Republic of Austin

Jay G


Every time I read anything you've written, I come away amazed at what a good man you are. (As well as slightly ashamed at my pitiful writing in comparison to your prose...)

Sounds like you like your dad's wife. A lot. And that's nothing but a good thing.

As far as the new gun, well... I'm picking mine up today (finally). I do have to quibble about one thing, though. Going to the range, while serious stuff indeed, is also loads of fun (pun slightly intended). Yes, a certain amount of shooting is in preparation of (the possibility of) taking a human life. It's serious, heavy stuff.

But you know what? I'd rather send a goblin to his eternal Judgement rather than let my son grow up without his daddy. I'll stand before a judge and the face of God Himself for killing another human if that person was intent of depriving my daughter of her father walking her down the aisle.

I'd rather practice something I hope and pray I never, ever have to use rather than stand helpless and unprepared in the face of evil.

That's why I practice with the carry gun and the "bedside" gun.

I crank out the Ruger Super Blackhawk and blast away for fun and stress relief (try being stressed out about work when you're sending 6 rounds of .44 Magnum goodness downrange at one time...)

And ditto what Bob said if you ever find yourself in the People's Republic of Massachusetts. Not all of us are GFWs...


...you must be out playin' with your new toy. ; )

Guy S.

Sounds like your dad has quite the lady by his side. Takes a lot of courage to do what she did. And looks like dads son is a chip off the old block. I like the cut of your jib.

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