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July 12, 2004


El Capitan

Mmmmm... S&W Model 28 Highway Patrolman. One of those, and a Model 24 (One of the 3 inch barrel, round butt .44 specials made for Lew Horton) and I've got every S&W I'd ever need. Wait... better add the M-1917 Army in .45 ACP just to be on the safe side!

I was never a fan of the Model 29 or 19. Those big clunky grips just never looked right, and even though I've got big mitts, they never fit right either. Give me a slim grip anyday. I can deal with recoil. That's what shooting gloves are for!


Well,the Tactial Tuperwear(AKA Glock)is fixed!
A Quick call to Glock a couple of min on the phone
20 rounds off the back porch.The Glock is Glocking
ie.Going bang when you pull the trigger.
The problem was the notch I had the recoil spring in.In that it(The Glock)never gets shot,when I Cleaned it last I had put the recoil spring back in the wrong slot on the barrel.I really need to shoot some of my guns more than once every two years.
While I am not a fan of 9mm at all everyone should have at least one,and if you are going to have just one Glock is the one to have.
The Smiths get shot a lot more than any of the bottom feeders in the safe and when I do shoot the Auto's I generaly shoot the 1911's
So the Glock now go's into the rotation at least once a month"Shoot the Glock"
This should solve the problem in the future.
In any case had a great time,good people,good food,and shooting,not a bad way to spend a Sunday.
Thanks for asking me.
See you up at the Ranch soon.

Raging Dave

I feel your cigar smoking pain, bro. The girlfriend and I are having difficulty finding a restaurant that will allow us to light up after dinner, without going to some fishtank of a room they jokingly call a "Cigar Room". Right now my truck is seeing more cigar smoking than anywhere else.

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