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July 11, 2004


Daniel Day

Aaaaa-y MEN


Actually, the one, TRUE faith is the Church of the Knobby Tyre, with services held on the mountain biking trains in and around Austin, Texas every Sunday morning. There are chapters in Singapore, Oregon, and France now...

Or at least we have some call to being a TRUE faith while our boy Lance is going for his sixth straight win showing the Frenchies that we can beat them even at their own sport.

Guy S.

A-Men, brother!!


If you want to be a Knight of the Holy Equestrian Order, be sure to grab your shield. Hopefully we'll get someone with a better art program than MS Paint to nice it up for us, but this one shrinks down all right.


Amen brother!


I attended devotions yesterday, on a Saturday... does that make me a Seventh-Day Shootist?


A hearty "Amen" to my Brother-in-Blog, and many glorious X-rings to you.

Whilst I kneel at the altar of Ruger the Sturmest and the 357 disciples, I openly covet thy 45 of 1911


Yeah though i walk in the valley of death, Saint Brownings disciples Heckler and Koch shall always be at my side. With a relic of St. Browning himself, touched by the great Kimber, residing somewhere unbeknownest to a passerby.

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