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July 05, 2004



I salute you... "ruminating on the matter..."

The worst pun EVER!

Bob Baird

Look at the picture for a moment: the farm must be owned by a traditional Democrat. The cattle are all locked in so that they can't move and the fodder is poorly presented (a better arrangement is to put the fodder in a rolling feeding tray... you're sitting at a google powered computer. Go look up milk barns)so that most of it is out of reach for the cows that are presently being fed.

I suspect that some underpaid illegal alien will have to come along later and shovel the old fodder up to the side of the presenting wall and the cows will have to eat the old and dirty food before they can get anything fit to eat. Unfortunately cows will not eat spoiled fodder. They'd rather starve. And they will. That means a drop in milk production, thus necessitating more subsidies.

Yup. Democrat for sure.


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