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July 26, 2004



Hello Jim,

"he's also flailing at horses long sense fed to the French."

I am not sure I get what you mean with this sentence. Can you explain? I am pretty sure from the context I agree with it, but it is using an expression I have never heard.




"he's also flailing at horses long sense fed to the French."

They're beating (many) a dead horse. That, and the fact that horsemeat is a favorite among the french, and well, there'ya go.

Sloop New Dawn
Galveston, TX


Jim, we can only hope. I doubt they'll see it. If they weren't dim, they wouldn't be supporting more government to begin with.


The (D)onks are reaping the harvest of the dumbing-down of American education over the last generation or two.

This type of pap and propaganda wouldn't have sold corn to a hog farmer forty years ago, but today it gets raves because the (D)onk constituency will believe anything that tells them they are so good they don't have to work for anything in their lives anymore.

In my last Kerry post at Blog Rivrdog, you can see the deep trouble we are in with this guy.

Sorry, I'm pessimistic again. Even if Bush gets Four More, we will have to have a (D)onk sooner or later, because all these dumbed-down Boomer spawn will eventually vote "en-banc" and install one.

My take is that we are down to the Captains of Industry. If US business and Wall Street don't intervene seriously in the election like they haven't had the guts to do in over a hundred years, we are doomed to a fairly rapid slide out of Super Power status, and into the hell of socialism.

Keep your powder dry and start figuring out where you are going to hide those nasty assault weapons you will be able to buy again, but only for a very brief time.

Guy S.

Riverdog...I hear where you are coming from. But I think ours is the last generation before it goes totally to hell in a hand basket. I am willing to bet it won't happen till most of us are worm food. But I think our kids are going to have a real bitch of a time...and their kids even worse.

Unless of course we have the courage to bring about a change should it be needed. But for now other than voting to give us at least another 4 years, I will wait and watch and write as needed. While finding a spot to hole up in and prepair to take said stand if push comes to shove.

BTW, my better half was watching Kerry's bitch speak tonight...she thought Ter RAH sa sounded like she was on some low grad pharmacuetical or some such. What a hoot.


AH! It was *since* not *sense*. Now I get it, and have no idea why I could not figure out that was a typo. Thanks!


We should take note of the tactics that have worked for the donks in the past. They are not the only educated people in the U.S. We need to step up to the plate and become teachers and educators ourselves. If we can't homeschool, and many of us just can't, we should at least try to stem the volume of anti-constitutional education our children recieve by enlisting young conservatives to teach. Make it one of those civic duties like being a politician used to be, before they voted themselves huge pensions. Also, we need to get out and demonstrate, like they do. Conservatives aren't generally thought of as activists. But judging by the current state of talk radio and conservative blogs out there, I'd say all we have to do is organize.

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