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July 16, 2004



Nice rig dude. Does the bolt action feed the box magazine? Cool. You boys be careful.

Dennis Cottingham

Good luck, but then I know how that rifle shoots, so maybe you don't need any luck.


The rifle shoots darn well. I bought one a few months ago (My first firearm purchase! I had only shot target rifles before buying it.) and it is wonderfully accurate. Also, you can buy 10 round magazines for it, too. They stick out the bottom and somewhat kill the look of the thing, however. But, man, the thing's great to shoot.

Oran Woody

I'll check the schedule, but I would suspect that we could use the range at Tomball. Best part is no charge since you'd be there as my guests.

Oran Woody

Sometimes (most of the time?) I'm dumb as a stump. I forgot to mention that for the informal Aug. 4 match, we could go to the range at I-10 and Eldridge. It has been flooded, but is dry now. Let me know if you'd rather do that. It has short distance pistol ranges and smallbore rifle ranges.
Most of the time, there is no one there so it would be like having a private range.


I did not know there was a range at I-10 and eldridge. I'd like to know more about that one. I go to American Shooting centers a good bit for the pistol range.

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