Damn if Chris Muir hasn't gone and deepened my frustration at today being a Federal Holiday.
Here I am, stuck at work, knowing that tens and hundreds of thousands of postal workers are enjoying a day off, doing whatever it is that postal workers do for fun. Sorry, no going postal jokes here, gang. I need to keep 'em on my good side, at least for another day or so.
See, what Chris went and did was to pay one hell of a compliment to Steve H. of Hog On Ice, featuring The Arterial Assasain's cookbook; "Eat What You Want And Die Like A Man" in today's issue of Day By Day.
Now, what makes this so damned painful for me is quite simple. My copy of this eagerly awaited book should be sitting in my P.O. box right now, dammit! Except that it's a postal holiday.
Hordes of mailmen and women, relaxing on beaches everywhere and armed with Pina Coladas, most likely attired in blue shorts, black socks and pith helmets. That's not even cool to contemplate while I'm here working a nine hour day, and am only a mile from the post office!
And all the while my precious copy of that book of decadant delicacies lies in a wheeled steel and canvas bin, most likely only a few mere feet removed from my postal box.
So close. Yet so very, very far.
My arteries await their rewards.