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July 20, 2004


Guy S.

Was listening to Hannity...I hope the republicans have enough balls to push this. Including going to the Kerry campaign and have them put up all their correspondence with Burger. The *misplaced* info could be that which implacates the Clinton Admin with having the knowledge to have done something about Al-Cada(forgive the spelling).

Take the bastard out and shoot him after they get all the info out of him.

LC Steve

What you said, in spades. If it had been someone like you or me who had "inadvertently" removed secret documents (in our clothing, no less), the powers that be would have put us under the jail.


During my time in the military(7 years)I held a Top Secret Clearence,and handled Code Word material.
Takeing material out of a secure location was a major offence and one would go to jail.
We are asked to believe that Burger,a man bright enough to be the national security advisor didn't know what he did was illegal?He did take Code word material,and he ammitted he took code word material,if there was any justice in this world;he would spend the rest of his life in jail.Any Congress Critter that defends his action should go with him.
Where is the National Press on this issue?Woodward and Burnstein wanttobe's as this offense is so far and away beyond the burglery of a National Campain Headquarters,it's like comparing,a school yard fistfight to World War Two.
The reasons he did it don't matter,and I have my thoughts on those;however the fact is he did it and said he did it.One does not stuff classified material in to your pants and socks and when you are caught claim "Oh I made a mistake"
Burger should be tried and if convicted spend a lot of time in prison.
If he wants to midigate the time he spends in jail perhaps he could tell who he was getting the notes and documents for.
I'll give him a hint,Kerry,Cilton Ring any bells Mr.Burger?


Nice title!

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