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July 04, 2004


Emperor Misha I

Happy Fourth, my friend!

A Recovering Liberal

Happy Fourth, Jim!

It's been a fantastic day so far -- the 100th annual parade in my hometown (Huntington Beach), viewed with a grade-school friend and her toddler; followed by an e-mail from "my" major in Iraq adopted through Operation Air Conditioner; to be followed with revelry at my parents' friends' house.

I wish that everyone could enjoy a day like today. This is what it's about!


From Trying to Explain Major Holidys to 5-Year-Olds:

"Yes, Christmas is Jesus' birthday. And yes, Easter is Jesus' death and resurection. And yes, the day the bunnies come. But NO, the Fourth of July is NOT Jesus' Anniversary."

John Sage, after hearing the real story, kindly offered to shoot the bad king with his purple gun, and says he hates kings.

"Why didn't that King know those people didn't work for him?"

** sigh **

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