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July 23, 2004



Nice boat.I didn't think it got that cold down there.My 33' newport is over on beaver lake in nw arkansas but we still get some nice winter sailing.It takes me about an hour and a half to get there every weekend but once everything is packed and i am on the road to her i can feel the weight drop from my shoulders and every breath comes easier.pray for wind because i am off.

A Recovering Liberal

Delightful post.



But I still think that it would feel strange to have the dining room go tippy while you're sober.

Guy S.

Homebro... you get used to it....I used to take bites of dinner as it slid to my left and then my right...and just kept the coffee cup in my hand.


Im actually being flown down to San Antonio this friday for a job interview. It will be the farthest South I have ever been. (Im From North Dakota, never even seen the ocean before). If I take the job Ill actually be in Corpus Christi and Im a little nervous about the weather. (Ive always liked cold better than hot). Anyway, that picture makes me alot more excited to get down to Texas and take a look around. Its a beautiful sight-


Posts like these are REALLY why I read SotW.

Maritima Josanne

A friend told me of your site. He said that I will find just the information here I was looking for. That was definitely right. Good work.

Tuna Lou

Really good work. I found a lot of profound information which can help me to go on. Thanks for all this input.


This is really great!
I liked it much - more of this please!!!

CU soon

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