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August 08, 2004



Thank you very much for making me puke so early on a Sunday morning.

I think you have Kerry wrong. You attempted to inject his "nuances" into FDR's stirring speech, but in doing so, you gave Kerry too much credit. He wouldn't have thought of all those things himself, or with his speechwriters.

I think he would have said something like "how could they have done this to us? We treated them with respect and diversity.."

Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.


BTW, upon the provocation of such an action of war, Bush would have simply called over the man with the football, spun up some Peacekeepers, and turned the Hell that is Iran into glass.

The question for all of us is: We all know it would happen if they got a nuke weapon. Why are we waiting for them to use one?

Our pre-emptive war doctrine should be based upon warring upon those nations most likely to war upon us. Placement on a pre-emption list could be debated by Congress, but the POTUS should always have the last option whether to act or not.

Bob Baird

Good stuff. Hopefully, we won't ever have a chance to hear anything even close to this in real life.

But just to be sure to cover all the bases, maybe I'll go build up my stock of 357 metallics.

You never know....



Great writing,though if Kurry tried to do that i believe we would see the fastest impeachment in U.S. history.If not that then the begininings of armed rebellion.
I do have to admit a certin fear that Kurry will win and that one of his first programs will be for total gun control.
Keep up the good work.

Guy S.

What is sad is any democrat President prior to Jimmmah Carter, would have done the same as Bush. And the quick and speedy end to Iraz as we know it would be the result. I would further state any and all countries with any terrorist cells, staging areas, or training areas, would be on notice to either exterminate same ASAP or face the same fate as Iran. And the very real threat of internment camps for islamists in this country would more in likely be implamented.

Hey Jim wanna write a novel? *grin*


Guy S. is on top of his shit, as usual. He has raised what I consider to be the only difficult concept in the war against Wahabbism: What do you do with all the Wahabbists who are already here?

There are two possibilities: Using some extraordinary powers that would be voted in after such a sneak attack, you throw out the Bill of Rights for everyone who doesn't swear a loyalty oath to the nation and it's Constitution, or...

You lock them all up in Internment Camps.

Now, I'm married to a fine woman who is the daughter of a Japanese-American couple who both had to spend the war in internment camps. The camps were austere, but easily survivable, according to them. What got to most internees was the fact that one moment they were useful, productive citizens of our Nation, and the next moment they were all scum, fit only to be locked up behind barbed wire with the US Army outside the wire. When they were finally released upon our victory over the Empire of Japan, they got none of their land, personal property or employment back. They all had to start over from scratch. The Internment program may have put a few dozen spies and saboteurs out of action, but it also put tens of thousands of our very best citizens behind bars.

We have two bad choices here, but there is a third choice that we haven't explored: public execution.

This nation has gone away from it. The whole purpose of execution is to end criminal careers and deter other criminals, and the deterrence works to varying degrees, but it works best if it is public. Ever since we started to protect our citizens from the horror of watching criminals die, we have lost most of the beneficial effect of execution.

If, after such a nuclear provocation, we were to encode proper behavior for citizens, and have the death penalty for certain improper behaviors, the effect would probably be salutary enough to deter most of the proscribed behaviors, but ONLY IF THE EXECUTIONS WERE SWIFT AND PUBLIC.

Somehow, we have to convince the Blue half of our citizens that this really would be good for them as a society, and that allowing lawyers to muck it up would be bad for them.

Martial Law might accomplish that or it might not.


Thanks man...great post!!!


Have read this post several times. For its quality, and its brilliance. I just pray it is not a glimpse into the future.

A sad, and lamentable, blot in our history, the internment camps. I have wondered at the irony that it was the sons of those internees, serving in U.S. Army who liberated Dachau.

Guy S.


You bring up a very valid point about interment camps. And I often wondered why once the treat (real or imagined) against Americans of Japanese origin were not allowed to go back to their homes and or business to start up where they had left off. Or given remunerations at that time (vice many years later).

And are you sure you haven't been communicating with my better half? Your solution is almost word for word what she has been saying for the past few months. I can only imagine what my pay per view bill would be at the end of any given month if they started having public executions. And televised live for those who could not get out to the viewing area. And why Pay per View? Because some of the revenue generated from that could be either used to cover the cost of said execution or given to the perps victims. Just a thought.

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