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August 19, 2004



Spreading the word here in South Bend, Indiana and surrounding area.



El Capitan

Great idea, but now everyone in a 1995 or later GM car and a lot of foreign cars are suddenly Bush voters, whether they like it or not! Serves 'em right, oughta be driving Mopar anyway.

I walk to work. Maybe I can get some of those hobbyist eyeglass-frame tasklights and wear those...

dragonfly jenny

If you hate them both and are feeling utterly despondent about politics in America, turn both headlights off on a moonless night, blindfold yerself, and drive yer car off the road into a ravine.


Yeah, Jenny...either that or try S. Mopac and 35 at about 5 p.m.


What can I do here in Australia as technically, when it's dark in the US it's light here????

I do not know what action to take to indicate my preferences.

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