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August 31, 2004


kevin whited

Glad that you're back safe and sound, and that your dad is doing well!


Welcome home, hon. Your fourth paragraph is beautiful; for a moment there, I almost forgot how seasick I would be if I attempted to reside on such a vessel... ; )

A Recovering Liberal

The fourth graf is particularly good (c: Welcome home!

Joel (No Pundit Intended)

Welcome back.

Guy S.

Glad to hear you are back safe and sound.


Good to see a post up from you again! Glad you're back.


Want to add my "Welcome Home!" to the chorus.
And thanks for the tip. Never thought to use booze to bribe the neighbors to watch my kitties. I usually just offer up chocolate pecan pies. A bottle of scotch would be so much easier!


Welcome home.

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