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August 11, 2004


dragonfly jenny

So the people in the tinfoil hats are "liberals" huh? I always referred to them as "nutbars." Back when I lived in the DC area there was a tinfoil-hat woman camped out in the park across the street from the White House for years. I recently saw a picture of that park, and the same tinfoil-hat woman was still there. If she's still alive, I guess her headgear must be working!

-- A liberal (of the 18th-century style, not the modern-day variety)


Liberals of the 18th Century style are getting to be a distinct minority, Jenny. ;)

I'm suspecting the nutbars have taken over the Movement.


Jenny, if only 18th century liberalism would make a comeback, we'd be the better for it.

Republican that I am, I'm proud to be a liberal in the best Constitutional sense of the word.

Must be a boat/trailer park thing, eh?

Sloop New Dawn
Galveston, TX

dragonfly jenny


Hey, fellow mobile-dweller, hope you enjoyed your weekend roadtrip!

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