Okay, let's set the stage here.
What started as a slow news day has just plain boiled-over as the day wore on.
And it's the whacked out liberal left that's boiling over. What's cool is knowing that almost every bit of that heat has been coming from internet-based sources.
We've got 'em so scared, they're even suing the Swift Boat Vets Against Kerry, attempting to quash this video. They're ridiculously accusing Instapundit and Frank J. of formeting racism, all over a funny tee-shirt.
Well, let's add one more coal to the fires now, shall we?
My blogdaughter in Orlando is turning up the heat, and I couldn't be prouder of her for so doing.
Seldom do I discuss politics...I typically speak on personal matters...using my blog as a journal. However, my silence is doing more harm than good at this point. The election is on my birthday, which leaves me feeling a sense of obligation. Being an American leaves me with a sense of obligation. May my actions speak louder than my words.
And hell, it makes me a bit ashamed that I've failed to see the same opportunity and to seize on it as a course of action. Lord knows the Republicans need all the help they can get in this rare, blue-county here in Texas.
I think I need to follow her lead here.
Perhaps we all should.
Who knows, maybe the Galveston County Republicans might need an Official Blog?
Thanks, Dana, for reminding us that we do make a difference.
Now let's go stoke those coals!
BWAAAAAHAHAHA! They "boiled over?" Like a potful of crabs when you forgot to turn down the propane in time. A great big KUUUUUUSH puts the fire out, and you have to relight it.
The use of lawyers by the DNC so early in the game will put the nation on the lookout, will put the SCOTUS on the lookout, and may defuse the ultimate dirty trick the DNC was going to pull, that of suing to stop the election in swing states simultaneously.
Like Kerry, the DNC appears to have suffered a self-inflicted wound.
Say goodnight, Senator, but skip the prayers. It's too late for that. Start writing your concession speech. Oh, Wait: you're going to emulate Gore with the lawyers, so I guess you'll emulate him by refusing to concede after GWB buries your sorry ass in a landslide 3 months from now.
Posted by: Rivrdog | August 06, 2004 at 12:08 AM
My bad, didn't finish Mr. Kerry off.
By the way, Senator Cochon (yes, that's French for pig), you forgot that lawyers don't scare GWB. Remember, he rather enjoyed having the SCOTUS declare him the winner last time, so I expect he'll be alright with that again.
Since no transition team will be required, GWB will have plenty of time for HIS (our) lawyers to kick your sorry butts all the way to the SCOTUS.
Posted by: Rivrdog | August 06, 2004 at 12:14 AM
I don't know...talking with the better half...and she may be right...this lawyer thing including what they are trying to do to stations running the Swiftboat ad...is going to backfire big time. I am really beginning to believe Bush might just have a landslide. But that still means we need to get the largest conservative turn out ever at the polls. Let the dems have no doubt there day of socialism is past.
Posted by: Guy S. | August 06, 2004 at 03:51 AM