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August 24, 2004


Guy S.

great post and thanks for the linkage! Turn about is fair play *grin*.


OK, we're in full punditry mode here....so here's my guess:

Kerry WILL self-destruct, but there won't be a White Knight (Shrillary) riding to the rescue of the (D)onks. Instead, the (D)esperate Party will try to sue the election result into oblivion. (D)onk lawsuits, even now being prepared, will clog the courts in at least 20 states, claiming election fraud resulting from the use of electronic voting machines, voter registration deficiencies and/or conspiracies of the most bizarre kinds.

Most of these lawsuits will be dismissed immediately upon being filed, but thanks to the "shotgun effect" of the attack, some will remain for the eventual disposition of the SCOTUS, which will not be able to certify the election results in time for the second Bush Presidency to start.

This will precipitate a legal (Constitutional) crisis, which will result in even more lawsuits.

If the SCOTUS doesn't take firm control as soon as the opportunity is presented to it to do so, the crisis could elevate, with (D)onk rhetoric, to street-level lawlessness. If it does, then the international lefty media will fan the flames, and all that range time you have been putting in will stand you in good stead.

Your full S.H.T.F. ammo allotment needs to be in hand before Election Day. You heard it here first.

Oh, and Cap'n Jim: get the bloody engine on your boat repaired and get the sloop into full commission. YOUR (and MY) safety will best be guaranteed aboard our vessels.

Guy S.

Man, at least I am a good 100 miles from Chicago, but in the wrong climate for this kind of thing. But the fair state of TX is a solid 24 hour drive non stop from here...If I have to take action after the SHTF I want to do it in a warmer clime. And Dog, I don't know which senario is more frightening, yours or mine. Both do not bode well for the country as we know it...at least in the short run. Here's to better times ahead for all of us!


The way this is going,this will make McGoverin and Dukakis look like winners.
This is going to destroy the Donks and drive them to the status of the socialist workers party.
They had it comming to them,I had predicted a Victory by G.W. of 110 Electorial votes,before the Swift Boat guys started on Kerry.Looks like now if Kerry gets a 110 Electorial votes,he will have done a lot.Kerry will take Massachuestts,NY,and Minnesota,Perhaps California,and thats it.
So happy I may just go buy a new gun.


Now anyone who has read my web page will know I believe Bush is as near the antiChrist as I've seen in a while.

You should really play up on the sleep walking thing. I mean who really wants someone sleep walking near "The Red Button"?

It's got some humorous play to it. Oh and sorry to hear about your Dad. If you find the time search the internet for some local beach drum circle and go get a nice warm fuzzy buzz while watching the hippys. Suprisingly enough this hippy met an Army guy who was getting ready to be rotated to Iraq and wished him luck.

It can be an eye opener.

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