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September 05, 2004


Bob Baird

Jim -

He sounds good. Again, if they need anything don't hesitate to call on me. You've got the number.


Guy S.

Glad to hear he is on the mend, and his castle good and strong.

Joel (No Pundit Intended)

What a wonderful man!

Emperor Misha I

I'm overjoyed to hear that my (and countless others') prayers were answered, and I ask you to convey my love and best wishes to your dear dad.

G-d listens, He always does.

G-d Bless You and Yours.


Kathy and I are glad to hear your father is doing well.



Hey "W"....good to see you're at the keyboard and doing well! Tell Jim to give ME those cigars from now on instead of to you!


Glad to know you're doing well! Prayer works.

Val Prieto

Exelente, Jim.

mostly cajun

Glad to hear good news...

It's good to have Dad around... enjoy your time with him...

And I hope he's here for many happy years to come...

Da Goddess

I'm so very glad to hear he's safe!


Glad to hear that your dad is on the mend. Prayers seem to work every so often.

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