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September 04, 2004



I'd swear I saw it twitch!


Wait, no... that was just me.

Joel (No Pundit Intended)

If guns cause crime, why are the prisons so full of people?

I have actually tried to get a gun of mine to commit a crime, just for scientific purposes of course. It wouldn't do a thing, just laid around. Guns sure are lazy.


I listen to the Brady Bunch and I keep waiting for one of my guns to run off by itself and kill somebody. It's amazing to me that NOT ONE of my guns has ever fired itself, all by itself. I mean, well... y'know...GUNS ARE EVIL!!!

Guy S.

You would think with all the talk by the Mayor by the Lake ™ , the guns would just be in line up after line up....nope all I see are gang bangers....hmmmmm could the Mayor of a vast Metropolitan city like Chicago be wrong?? Could the Govenor or the great state of Illinois be in error?? Hell Yes!! I hope those rascally guns keep quiet for the time being till the gun law we are all waiting for to fade silently away does so.

Hope your skys stay clear and the rain goes north.

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