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September 14, 2004



I've been checking in wondering where you were. Sorry to hear you have troubles. Glad your back blogging.

Don't know what else to say, but go day by day, breath by breath and you usually make it. Oh, and keep on blogging.

Jay G


Dunno what the problems have been; suffice to say, I hope they are "over your shoulder" as a Jimmy Buffet was wont to say. If not, and you feel like venting, you've got my e-mail address... Sometimes getting stuff into print can help you out a bit. Or it can explode like a 1972 "memo" typed in MS Word. Ar ar ar...

But seriously, I hope things take a significant upward tick very soon, like yesterday.

And I can't help but turn a deep shade of green with envy that you were able to make the 9/11 bash with the du Toits. I only wish that TX and MA were closer... I would have enjoyed meeting you and hunting pins with you...


And I thought it was only me!!! ar ar Be advised, I can relate. Hang in; write when you can. And if you blog it, we will come!!


I was going to say "Courage", until I remembered your fellow Texan has despoiled the term.

Hang tough, Jim. Consider coming to the Blogfest in Helen. Ya'll can stay with me. At the very least you'll walk away with a spring in your step after witnessing the gum disease of the blogosphere!

Guy S.

Hang in there. (yeah that sounds lame I know) As mentioned above if you want to vent or what ever you have my addy...and if you want my land line.


Glad to hear someting from you Jim... my email's available too. I'll throw in a prayer for ya too... can't hurt. :)


Doctor Dog prescribes a change of scenery. If you've been fired, been dumped or just been dumped on, pack up and hop a plane and head West. Bring the felines if you want. Between us, we can blog, shoot and drool at young wimmen.

There's fall boating, a generous supply of hi-q hooch and the loyal array of NW bloggers (pyjamas optional) to meet and greet.

Here's hope also that your mental state isn't an unrecognized premonition of natural disaster.

So hie thee to the airport, Captain. I promise we won't argue over rank when you get here.


"Many times, I've sat here before the keyboard, but haven't had the slightest spark of energy to raise a hand to type"

I know the feeling Big J.
I am glad you're back, though. Blog through the pain. :)


You didn't feel guilty about buying a certain rifle did you? You seem didn't seem that way.
It was good to meet you and everyone else. A great weekend.

kevin whited

Sorry to hear about the troubles....

If it's anything that can be solved by a Houstonian roadtripping to Galveston and buying up the booze at a local establishment of yer choice, do let me know! :)


I hope everything works out for you, Jim, with a minimum of fuss.

Take care, and hope to see you back here soon.


I am here for you, just as you have been for me. Although, I am quite reserved and picking up that phone to call you, aren't I? I suppose I just fear being a burden. That said, I hope you do not feel the same way and know that you can reach me at any time.

Wish we were closer so I could give you a warm hug. I'll keep you in my prayers.

Resident Wife

Welcome back! You were entitled to a breather. Now sit back and enjoy the carnage at CBS!

Maybe the light at the end of the tunnel is coming from here....

Joel (No Pundit Intended)

I'm all for Riverdog's medicinal approach.

Cowboy Up and Get-er-done!

Emperor Misha I

Well, as you know, my friend, I know only too well how you feel, and I shall say what you've said to me: Things will get better. And they will, those are the wisest words anybody's ever said to me, but I hope you don't mind me pushing things along a bit by adding you to my prayer list.

G-d Bless You, My Friend.


I sure hope you are OK? I have been reading your blogs for awhile now and I really miss your posts. Hope you will soon be back and charging full speed ahead...:)

Mrs. du Toit

Olly-olly-oxen free. Come out, come out, where ever you are.

Alaska Kim

I've been reading Smoke on the Water since you started. I miss your posts. Hope you're doing ok, we'll be waiting!


Your work is something amazing. I am enjoying the good read that you provide.I'll be in touch.

Jay G



Come back Shane!


Ok, time to get off your lily white ass and post something. Even if it's stoopid. Do it. Geez.


A little weather FYI people:
As of Sept 23, Galveston is getting pounded by tropical storm Ivan. Major flooding expected.

Keeping you and the kitties in mind even more Jim, take care.

Da Goddess

You're always welcome to come here and act depressed with me. Maybe together we can bleg enough dough for a really big party...we just won't invite anyone else....we'll drink all the fine beverages ourselves. And you'll teach me how to smoke a cigar. And I'll teach you how to...um....intubate? No that sounds dirty. Draw blood? Too messy. I know! I'll get out the extra stethoscope and teach you all about adventitious breath sounds! Yeah, that's it. I *do* have a skill I can pass along. See? Already you're cheering me up.


Rest up and rejouvenate.

Sometimes it helps to lay down and sleep for awhile, eat Spaghettios for break fast and sit in yout jammies all day.

It's helped me allot on occasion.
Then I get up, take a shower....go for a walk, and come back to all the people who love me and brighten up.
I see you might be on your way already.
Spaghettios all around!

And I'll be joining you and DaGoddess for that party. I know she'd never shut me out;)


Now would be a good time to post and say "I'm OK, just leave me the fuck alone!"


Jimmah! Do I have to come over there???

Guy S.

When you rise like a Phoenix from the ashes, we shall be here to share in your rejoicing.


Don't make me come down there. I kick butt pretty good for 52 years old. Just ask my kids.

Just an OK would be pretty good for us readers who may not of commented much, but read you with regularity.


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