I have much to write about, and damn little time in which to write it.
Florida braces for yet another cataclysm, your prayers and support for all in the storm's path are vital. My folks seem to be in as good as a place as can be asked for, yet still the risks are serious and the hazards are all too real.
Hurricanes are powerful beyond words, unstoppable and relentless in their movement. Being in the path of such storms is never a thing to be desired. Yet, they are a vital part of nature's engine, bringing change and renewal by first bringing terrible havoc and destruction in unimaginably huge swaths as the storm marches across the land.
I suppose what few wise Democrats remain as their party's faithful must have that same feeling as many Floridians do right about now.
For there is coming onto their party a destruction which is indeed, powerful beyond words, one unstoppable and utterly relentless in it's movement.
The quiet tempest which is the classic, silent majority of Americans are not unlike a hurricane, organizing with neither guidance or malice into a powerful, focused and coherent force. A force which, when unleashed will do to the offical Democrat party what Hurricane Andrew did to Florida a few short years ago.
And today, Florida once more lies in the path of a storm of unimaginable power and scope. Hurricane Francis is the stuff of nightmares. The wise have already sought shelter or have secured themselves and their property as well as possible.
My folks in Orlando came through Charlie, suffering nothing worse than one lost panel of siding, a mess in the yard and a few days without power. Obviously, my hopes and prayers are that they do as well or better in this storm.
Others to keep in your thoughts and prayers are Val Prieto, Steve H., Kim, Dana, Bob Baird and Chris Muir.
Chris' cartoon says volumes:
They'll all be back, after the storm. They are all resolved to do so.
But I'm not to sure about the Dems reprise after Hurricane W. hits 'em come November. Some things, even FEMA can't fix.
Thanks for the kind word and thoughts, Jim. We in North Florida await the Abaco Fork. That's generally the turning point.
Posted by: Velociman | September 02, 2004 at 04:59 PM
Thanks for the kind words. If your folks need anything, have them give me a call at the JAC. You've got the number.
Posted by: Bob Baird | September 02, 2004 at 05:51 PM
The 'cane has seen it's best upper-level support come and go. Like Kerry's campaign, it can only lose strength now. It's going to be bad, but not as bad as it would have been had the monster not slowed down.
Oregon's pretty nice this time of year. Fine to look at out my window as I lay back and recover MY strength for the upcoming struggles of life.
Posted by: Rivrdog | September 03, 2004 at 10:27 AM