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September 08, 2004



Baldilocks has covered the subject so well that I took the liberty to send her blogs to my non-blog-reading email list. As obtuse as some of them are, I believe they will understand if they READ.

And Kerry probably does expect butter, but then he'd probably expect a mound of steaming brown matter in the yard to be hot fudge!!!

James Old Guy

As a Viet-Nam Vet, I can say this, I could give a shit what Kerry or Bush did in the military service. I am only interested in what both gentlemen did afterwards. Did Kerry put himself in for medals that might be suspect, could be , he wasn't the only one by a long shot. Did Bush do the National Guard dance to complete his obligation, yep, he did. Did either one run off to Canada or England and hide, nope. So I put them even for Viet-Nam Service. Did one do a turn coat upon return and slur the very men who protected his ass while he was in Viet-Nam, yep sure did. Which one has served over 30 years in the United States Congress and managed to do nothing, I can only think of one. Which one has never ever fullfilled one of his campaign promises. I will let someone else figure that one out. If you can't figure out who I am voting for, hire John Edwards, no not that one, the one who makes an honest living, talking to the dead.

Raging Dave

The Left has become so predictable and monotone that we're able to counter the charges they put out before they even come out!

Reference the Swift Vets, sending letters to the TV stations airing their ads to counter the letters put out by the Kerry Campaign lawyers. The letters were mailed at the SAME DAMN TIME.

SVFT knew what the Kerry folks were going to do from the get go. If it weren't so pathetic, it'd be funny.


Thanks, Indigo.

See? You got me all riled up again. I'll be linking to this post.

Guy S.

Well, Jim it looks like all the pieces are falling into place, but NOT for the DNC or J F'nK, or CBS for that matter. And with the American Spectator coming out with a great little piece on where the forged docs came from...well it looks like it is going to be a bumpy night for them all.

"The story of Kitty Kelley is not about accuracy but of attitude. She starts off hating the people she writes about and hates them all the way though," said Vanity Fair writer Bob Colacello.

I really doubt the allegations of a tabloid writer will have that much of an impact. Remember this is the same "writer" who claimed Nancy Reagan had an affair while still the First Lady.

If it does have any impact, I will be deeply afraid for the I.Q. level of our country, immediately submit to a lobotomy, and accept the existence of Microsoft Word in 1970.


What you're seeing with this crap is the face of leftism unmasked in America. Pretty damned ugly, isn't it?

Greg Botello


I think during the course of Mankind's history that the percentage of those who DO, and those who talk about DOING has remaind pretty constant. If you really look at the voting data (numbers) throughout the "free" world, it's shameful, the number of people that are eligable to vote, but do not.

Remember, when Saddam was in power - Iraq's voting population was 100% and Saddam recieved 99.5% of the vote. I wonder how he did that? I think that in some ways it's good not to have all people vote - What I mean is, if you don't care enough to vote then who needs your vote. Why should you have a say. Nevertheless, the amount of people that vote for a candidate really doesn't matter, it's the percentage of that number of the people that care enough to vote that matters. And electoral votes (Al Gore) read the US Constitution.

This brings us to the next reason that the democrats will say that they lost - not enough people voted. The President only represents 1/4 of the people in the nation. Well, if the other 1/4 picked the wrong guy and the other 1/2 didn't vote, oh well.

If we made people vote, could you imagin how many votes Puff Daddy, Jennifer Lopez, and Brittney Spears would get? Next, you'll be telling me that action heros should be Governors of major States, like California.

Wait, Arnold is cool.

Very nice site. Will sure visit again.

Very nice site. Will sure visit again.

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