As I write this, my sitemeter is crawling painfully, slowly towards the vaunted 100,000th hit.
It may even reach that figure before I upload this post.
Given that the past month has been a less than joyful one for me, suffice to say that I'll take this august event with all possible cheer as a new month unfurls before me, ripe with new hopes and opportunities.
Frankly, I'd almost had preferred that this milestone had waited a few weeks, holding itself off as it were. I truly don't find myself nor this site worthy at this time of achieving that turn of the odometer, as I've really not been up to the standard you've come to expect from me, and damn sure not up to the standards which I set for myself.
But as I said, October is a new month. And most certainly, the circus which is the Kerry campaign provides blog fodder beyond the most heavily laden smorgarsboard.
A surefit of laughable material, and no calories.
So, I'm looking forward to writing with a renewed vigor and attention to the goings on out there. After all, there's only a few scant weeks before the election, and I've got my share of libs to piss off.
And the muse can only smile on me a bit now, and laugh. And I welcome the laughter, for it is by the far preferable alternative to misery.
Enough of that.
Thanks, everyone for bringing that 100,000th hit. I am deeply honored that my random keyboard whacks and pecks bring a grin or two out there. And I'm glad that I can do that for y'all.
Now I'm gonna do it a bit for my own grins, and I'm looking forward to doing so.
As I'm wont to say.....
......Let the games begin!