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December 26, 2004



It's so fun when we get snow, isn't it? Got a little here in Houston but not at all what you got.


Very odd that you guys in the south got more than we did.
Houston got a little and up here in Tomball we didn't get any, zip, zero, nothing.

Guy S.

There is nothing more humorous (or finacially rewarding...if the person in need is a real putz) then watching Texan's drive during or right after a snowstorm....we used to help those who ended up off the road...the folks who were greatful for the help were wished good luck on their travels and all offers of payment refused...those who assholed out ...well whatever they offered was accepted...and if not offered we asked for a couple of dollars for gas money. One putz we got out of the ditch/snowbank went speeding along the highway after we got em out...and about 3 miles down the road..we found him in the ditch again. For the most part we met up with many more folks who were happy to be helped out of the ditch and thus got it taken care of with nothing more then a kind word and a smile.

This all happened back in the late 70's/early 80's when I was stationed in the DFW area.

Hope you enjoy the snow Jim!


I couldn't have imagined a better way to share Christmas either!


Cool. I've always wanted a white Christmas...never had one, though!


It snowed two days when I was stationed there (72-73 on USS Ault, a reserve training destroyer on Pelican Island.) It was good entertainment for a Buffalo boy watching the Islanders experience the snow for what I suspect might have been the first time for most. I'm just wondering if it has snowed there between then and now.

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