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December 27, 2004


Bob Baird

Jim --

Fortunately, a year of steady blogging has inserted a very real sliver of constant doubt into the minds of the average Joe re the MSM. Is it just my idea that people don't really believe the Dan Rathers when they say that things are going poorly and we should get out? There is a constant stream of RealPolitics coming out of the fighting troops that say over and over that things are going well. I get a constant stream of emails from a guy who is in the Air Cav in Falujah who tells the real truth... often ugly but always accurate... and he continues to be pleased with how things are going.

Love that internet, eh?


By the way, welcome back Jim.


What a wonderful -late- Christmas present -- to find you blogging!! Keep it up. We missed you.


So very, very glad you're back. Couldn't remove you from my favorites in hope that one day you would return. What a great Christmas gift to those of us who missed you every day!!


MilitaryCity.com has all the polling results, including the questions.

+ the same questions asked a year earlier.

The President's approval numbers have increased in the last year for his handling of Iraq, but declined for his job as President.


Just how loud and desparate will the MSM become after the elections. Lots of coverage of every homi bomber and RPG lob, but narry a word about all the good stuff going on. Ever notice the backgrounds as the talking head reporters moan on about how bad it is. Traffic wizzing by and well fed and clothed average Iraqi's walking around. A mixed message?

Anyway, screw it and go sailing.


Welcome back, Jim. :)


I have a younger brother in the Army who has already been to Afghanistan and Iraq. He just re-upped for three more years, knowing he'll go back to Iraq. He says a lot of guys are willing to go back. It's his job and he knows what that means.
- Great to see you back.

Mr. Salty

Hope the reenlisted and their chain-of-command go to their war crimes tribunals with as much enthusiasm.

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