This weekend was one I'd intended to post on this, that and the other or to otherwise solidfy a return to viablity for Smoke on the Water.
And I just didn't. No particular reason, save for having worked a full week of fourteen hour days in the week between Christmas and New Years.
The good news is that it was worth the efforts. I've even got a sizable order of ammo ordered at T's in Texas City for the upcoming 2nd annual Daley/Feinstein Memorial Bowling Pin Hunt.
So much in the news of late, it's truly a target-rich environment. From tsunamis and the feckless fuckwits at the U.N., to the continuing implosion of the donktard party, well, it's all one can do to even track it all, much less to write about all of it.
There's quite literally hundreds of good blogs doing a great job out there on the tsunami incident, and the attendant relief efforts. One thing I'm proud of is that the MSM is increasingly recognizing and mentionion (favorably, I might add), the power, impact and pervasiveness of the blogosphere. I've been notably absent from the scene during some crucial months, and whaddya know, the blogworld did just fine without me. Conversely, I wish I could say that I fared as well, but what the hell, I'm writing again in spite of myself.
Got a couple things pissing me off that are forming themselves in to cogent articles. One things for sure, once I post 'em, I might get branded by the left as some hatemongering right winger.
Wouldn't be the first time either.
And it won't be the last.