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March 23, 2005



I'm sorry to disagree with you in your first surfacing in over a month, but I must for reasons that I will never make public.

You can see my reasons why (except for the personal ones) over on my weblog.

If you want the personal ones, I will reply by email.

I hope you and yours are well.



Glad to have you back on the quarterdeck, Sir, but I must also disagree.

This is a tough one for conservatives, especially Strict Constructionists, like ourselves. If I must make an error, it will be on the side of Strict Construction and not on any citizen's side.

I see great danger encoding the tenets of RTL, even though I agree with most of them. The Founders also saw such danger, and that is why we have the Establishment Clause.

The Constitution, and precedents leading to it's modification, must always be guarded against violations of the letter and spirit of the Separations (Powers and Church/State). To do less not only invites in the sort of government we Revolted against 230 years ago, it actually takes the first step of establishing such a government.

The Ship of State will not founder over this slight grounding, but her very Hull must now be hauled and inspected, and repaired if required.




Sir.... I've read your comments over at Grouchy Old Cripple's... and I fail to see how you and I disagree on this? Perhaps re-read your comments there, Steve's at Hog on Ice and then re-read my original post here. I think we're on the same page.

And Jack, if you've deeply personal reasons for your disagreement, I'd not dispute you on them. And yes, I would respect your reasons, even should I find no agreement therein.

My prayers are with Terri and her family.

And guys, just FYI... I may have a new laptop coming relatively soon...just the medicine I need to get back to some regular posting.

Warmest regards, amigos.

Sloop New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Guy S.

Others have said it, and I agree. I would like nothing better than for this young lady (well, younger then me anyhow) to find peace at last. I would hope (as some have suggested, but I have know way of knowing) she feels no pain. I would further hope (despite all the yammering on both sides, cause again we don't know all the facts) every reasonable effort has been made to bring her out of the condition she was in. And last but not least, I am really concerned about the federal government (with all the alleged best of intentions) coming in and intervening in a "States rights" venue. That is the one thing which may at some future day and time bite us all in the butt.

As an aside, great to see you are back (or soon, after the new laptop is in place and running).


Put up a tip jar for that laptop. Even if you already have it paid for, you have to spend a bit more money to get a salt-water resistant and cat-proof model.

Don't go cheap. I got one that passes a milspec 4-foot drop test and I'm glad I did.


How wonderful to see you back, Jim. Glad I didn't take you off the blogroll. I had faith.

I too am struggling with this issue and have been enriched by yours, Rivrdog's and Jack's input.

Welcome home.


You've been missed.


Aye, Cap'n. Stand by for heavy rolls as the ship comes about.
Fair winds and following seas …

Gene Pool

I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand if it is truly Terri's wish not to be substained by feeding tube; by all means pull it. However; I just can't believe her husband. This just don't pass the "dumb-ass test". It truly is now in the real Supreme Court's hands. I pray for Terri.

Great to to see you back.


This issue is not about seperation of powers or judicial activism. It is about one judge making a terribly wrong decision by making Michael Shaivo the guardian. There is plenty of evidence why this should not take place. It looks very fishey to me. I wonder if some of Shaivo's money didn't end up in this judges bank account.

A Federal court could have looked at that crucial decision and given Terri's custody to people who loved her and would care for her. Instead he gave Terri to a scum bag filanderer and a new age evil lawyer, both enamered of the culture of death.

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