An occupational hazard of falling to the ranks of the occassional blogger:
Too often it seems, I'm here only to commemorate those who have passed, those who were heroes. Those who we have known, admired, respected. And loved.
It is with the saddest of hearts, and typing through tears yet unnumbered, that I must let you know of the passing of man who, although not a lifelong friend, was surely a friend for a lifetime.
I learned last night via a phone call from Connie Du Toit, that;
Yesterday afternoon, to a sudden and massive heart-attack, the Nation of Riflemen surely lost one of it's strongest pillars.
Airboss. Mr. Steve Herod.
Steve was the owner of the vaunted Area .45.
Steve was the real deal, he'd been there and had not only seen the elephant... but he'd taken it's measure and bearded the beast itself.
The gentlest of men, but a warrior among warriors, humble, yet never meek, a man of wisdom held in the highest esteem by an assembleage of wise, wise souls.
Steve loved his wife Elaine, fiercly, deeply, passionately and with the utmost loyalty. Condolences is such an inadequate word, yet, is what I most sincerely offer.
I'll write more later, as words fail me, and the screen is but a blur. I've had the painful honor of notifying some of Steve's close friends via telephone late last night. I'm sure there are hundreds of such calls fanning out now, everywhere.
God Bless you, Airboss, and my prayers go with Elaine, and family.
Your absence leaves a void which simply, shall never be filled.
If you could let me know of any arrangements, I'd be appreciative. I'd like to send flowers.
Posted by: SayUncle | April 30, 2005 at 12:11 PM
Connie's email detailed: "Elaine has not yet made funeral arrangements. She said that Steve is at Riley's Funeral Home in Woodville, (409) 283-8131, 95 US Highway 190 W, Woodville, TX 75979"
I would imagine that flowers would be sent there.
Posted by: Kevin Baker | April 30, 2005 at 01:07 PM
Thanks amigo for providing the update. I'd not found Connie's mail till today, and I'm captive at work, and so hadn't had the chance to post that. I'm glad you did.
And you too, Dana. Heartfelt thanks.
Sloop New Dawn
Galveston, TX
Posted by: Jim | April 30, 2005 at 01:43 PM
Sad, sad news.
R.I.P. Airboss
Posted by: rimfirejones | April 30, 2005 at 02:28 PM
I am glad that I had the privilege of meeting Steve, a man among men, a giant, a lion. The finest of men.
Though I didn't get to know him well I mourn his loss, and offer my condolences, as poor as they may be, to his lovely and gracious wife Elaine, as charming a lady as I have been fortunate to meet.
This is indeed a sad day.
Posted by: Russ | April 30, 2005 at 02:52 PM
Steve will be cremated with services held from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm on Tuesday, May 3:
Riley’s Funeral Home
95 US Highway 190 West
Woodville, TX 75979
(409) 283-8131
Elaine has asked, in lieu of flowers, that you make a contribution to your favorite charity.
Posted by: Connie | April 30, 2005 at 05:00 PM
Please pass along to elaine the condolences of the Blastorama gang from the NorthWest. None of us had the pleasure of meeting Airboss, but we all feel that we knew him from yours, Doc's and Kim's messages.
And Jim, you haven't "fallen" to any rank, you are simply waiting for a new opportunity to better express yourself.
I'll try to pass the word to those at BoomerShoot, but I suspect that the sad news may have already arrived in ID.
Posted by: Rivrdog | April 30, 2005 at 09:53 PM
I never knew him. But when even those unkown, who are great men in their own right, the community of man is poorer for their passing. May he Rest In Peace.
Posted by: Guy S. | May 01, 2005 at 03:00 PM
So sad. My thoughts and prayers with you, his dear friends.
Posted by: Velociman | May 04, 2005 at 08:58 PM
It means so much to review all the kind words & expressions from all who Steve touched through the years. He was my cousin, but like our last conversation, we were more like siblings. This has been very hard for me, harder than I could have ever imagined. We have no idea what Elaine is enduring. But one thing for sure, Steve is loved, was loved & will always be loved. What an impact he made on so many lives.
Posted by: Lynn Harty | May 05, 2005 at 04:18 PM