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April 05, 2005



Happy day! Looks like a nice way to celebrate! And, congrats on the laptop! Does that mean you might be back in the blog business soon?

Jay G

Happy Birthday Jim!!!

I'll second Beth's question about the new laptop being a harbinger of posting resuming... ;)

(And we want pics of the new gun, dagnabit...)

Guy S.

Happy birthday, you young pup you *grin*. Hope the laptop is all you want it to be, and the cigar was every bit as enjoyable as it looks like it was.


Happy Birthday, Jim!

So glad to hear you finally have the laptop, and hoping this means you will be back in business.

Enjoy your bourbon and cigar and have a wonderful day!


Happy Birthday, BlogFadder! Many more! Damn! With all this current largesse, maybe you are close to getting the sloop's engine repaired (hint, Hint). I might get down TX way early this summer, and if I do, I'm expecting to go sailing!


Happy Birthday TO US again!! April 5th, Baby. Aries thru and thru, right? What a nice birthday present for me to find your blog today!!


Hapy Birthday Jim!

Gene Pool

Happy birthday and great to see you back. Enjoy the new laptop.



Happy Birthday, may you feel 19 and enjoy your new toy( the laptop)....Great to see you blogging again.



Happy Birthday Jim!

Your laptop sounds like a great gift, but having you back posting is the best gift we could have!

Light & Dark

Happy (belated) birthday sir! Looks like that laptop may end up being a birthday present all of us will benefit from too?

dragonfly jenny

happy belated birthday from here too!


It's a tad late but Happy Birthday!!


Hi: It's good to see you are back up and runnig. Glad
you got yourself a laptop. Hope you keep liquids out of
it this time, at least for a few years.


Happy (belated) birthday, Jim.

CC cigars AL

Happy birthday buddy...email me your address again. Sending you some celebration Cuban Crafters Cameroon...


Dammit. I got you a blogmeet for your birthday, and you didn't even show up!

Happy Birthday Jim. ; )

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