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June 22, 2005


Jay G

The Democratic "outrage" to Rove's comments simply illustrates, for the nth time, that Democrats truly have absolutely NO shame. None.

*And* that they rely on the bias of the MSM to never point out the blatant and glaring hypocrisy.

Calling our troops Nazis - [cue crickets] in MSM.
Rove states the obvious - front page for days.


If it's out of sight, it's out of mind, for them anyway! 9-11 happened 4 1/2 years ago, that's a long time for a coward to have to bear-up reading and listening to reports about the war in Iraq and upon terrorism. They throw their hands up and wail, "Can't we all just get along", and just go along with this 'Global' awareness?

The call for peace without justice by these so called Americans, justly makes any red-blooded, true American boil with righteous indignation. The cowards tire of the inconvenience the enemy has brought upon their granola existence. Can a war be fought successfully when there are two fronts, one being made up of some in the Senate of the United States of America?

A call for peace is not a wrong thing. A call for peace without justice and retribution is. But for one of our "own" to throw stones from within the safe confines of the USA Senate should and will make us all think about who the enemy really is. Can you really accuse part of your family of war crimes and then settle the slander with a quick apology. Which way will the wind blow them tomorrow?

Guy S.

To rearrange a quote from Pogo...."We have met the enemy...and they, used to be part of us." Sadly the seeds planted over the last two generations or so....have brought forth the fruit we see today. There is a divide, and at one time bridges could have been built, the divide filled in,common ground reached, and we would have worked for a better country for all. The divide is too large...the cancer too advanced. *sigh* It's bad enough we have to deal with asshats like Senator Dustbin, now we have the traitors in black robes as well. I need a beer, ammo, and someone to cover my back.

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