And the threat isn't from Mars.
Instead, it's from our Islamic friends maniacs, both foreign and domsestic.
Fatwah has been declared upon Chris Byrne, for the desecration of the koran. (no, I'm not going to grace it with Capital Letters.)
Chris brought this to our attention, both on his site and on Kim DuToit's Nation of Riflemen Forum, where I'm a member and occassional contributor.
One Forum member respectfully objected to the koran being treated in such a manner, in that it made a mockery of an entire religion. Here's his objection, and my response follows.
Posted by Glenfilthie, Jul 17 / 8:40am (thread post #97)
"I am going to get egged for saying this, by some good folks that I really respect."
"Chris, you mocked another man’s gods. That is the height of incivility. That was an insult to ALL moslems, not just the yodelling mudflaps behind the terrorism. Even I will grudgingly admit that one or two muslims in this world are actually worth their room on this earth, and they do not deserve to be insulted like that."
"I must be old fashioned. I cannot accept the idea of burning flags, books, or bibles. You Americans enjoy the most personal freedoms on the planet. Is this truly the best you can do with it?"
My response, Jul 17 / 11:40 am (thread post #99)
'No offense taken on my end, (although I wasn’t on the Team Infidel firing line, I was there in spirit).... "
"... That said, for that event to make much sense to you, you’d have to go back to the days of the media’s vapors and hysteria over the so-called “abuse” of the koran at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba."
"You’ll remember, the faked-up Newsweek article which triggered the murder of 19 people in Pakistan?"
"Turned out, it was the prisoners abusing their own korans, with our guards only having logged a handful of technical “mishandlings”, i.e; didn’t handle with gloves, etc."
"Go back to the heat of those moments, and you’ll understand the backlash of "abuse? you call that abuse?! I’ll show you some fucking abuse, achmed!!!!" "
"And frankly, given the splodeydopes’ propensity to deliberately abuse the Bible, (try taking one to Saudi Arabia), and Christains in general (recall the occupation of the Church of the Manger in Bethlehem?)....(can you say dhimmitude?).... you get the idea."
"So, yes. Their entire religion was mocked. And that, rightfully so. If they follow their religion at all, they’re commanded to abuse the infidel, to oppress him through dhimmitude or to force his conversion."
"I won’t go into a critical chronology of Islam, but if you would, you’d find that the earlier passages of embracing the Jews and Christians as “People of the Book”, were indeed superceded by subsequent suras demanding their forced conversion or anhiliation."
"(short version; Mohammed grows more bloodthirsty with more power and conquests, where once he “tolerated” those who could successfully oppose him, he revoked such tolerence when he grew strong enough to overcome them)."
"Most important thing about Islam...the later passages do in fact supercede the previous ones insofar as positions of theology are concerned."
"Hence, any Muslim who cites early Mohammeden passages as “accepting” of Jews or Christians is in fact lying to you, or at best, is woefully ignorant (westernized) as to the fundamentals (yes, as in fundamentalists) of his presumed faith."
"If Islam respected another man’s religion, as do (for the most part), the Hidus, Buhddists, Modern Christians (skip the Inquisition, we’ve moved on from all that), Sihks, Wiccans, whatevers........ I’m sure they’d be afforded similiar, ecumennical respect."
"But as long as Islam is commanded to grow by the Sword, then I shall oppose them."
"Conversion by the Sword is most uncivil, if I may say so. Showing contempt for that threat is perhaps the most civilized reaction of all, for not standing up to that threat will surely result in the end of modern civilization as we know it."
"Unless you prefer a 7th century “civilization”?"
"And so, in showing my refusal of dhimmitude, and contempt for their threats,, I may even on occassion, defecate on their erstwhile Holy Book."
"It’s a good way to draw flies to the swatter, if you get my drift."
"I would though advise everyone in the NoR, from this point forward, to be extra-heavily armed, 24/7 (with flyswatters, of course), as much as is situationally practicable."
Sloop New Dawn
Galveston, TX"
There you have it, friends.
If you thought July 7th in London was an anomaly, if September 11th, 2001 was but to you a tragedy, then I'll mourn for you as you enter your eventual dhimmitude. Maybe not you personally in your days, but most likely your kids, or theirs.
Doc Russia says it with such passion and clarity, and yes, you must go read it all:
"Muslims also have not changed. It has been four years since they first attacked our home soil. The mythical moderate muslims have had four years to take firm actions to rid themselves of this extremism. The rteality, though, is that muslims have chosen to do nothing. There have only been pathetic and empty words of Islam being 'a religion of peace' which have never, never translated into any actions. Muslims have willingly allowed themselves to act as a safe haven for terrorists and murderers. They have continued to take advantage of our kindness and mercy. We have given them ample opportunity to take charge of themselves and police their own. They have failed. Again, this is nothing new. Even now, after 9/11, after Madrid, after London, we have seen no movement whatsoever by muslims to rid themselves of these animals who call themselves men."
Either we fight and win against this onslaught on civilization, or we shall be vanquished as a people and a society. Passivity brings only defeat, it can have no other result.
If it is indeed better a man should die on his feet, than live on his knees, than how much more so is that true for this Nation of Free Men and Women?
As I write this, a cinematic remake of the H.G. Wells classic "War of the Worlds" is still raking in tens of millions of dollars in cinemas from coast to coast.
Sadly, the overwhelming majority of the sheeple who are at present enjoying that bit of fantasy do so, completely unware that a real, and very deadly War of the Worlds rages around them. So, even as they placidly munch and sip, blissfully missing the analogy playing-out on the screen before their very eyes.
As the Fatwah on Chris shows, we're in that war, here on these shores, even now. Whether you or I like it or not, it is what it is.
I truly wish to hear the denunciation of terrorism from American Imams from sea to shining sea. I want to hear them denounce dhimmitude and the ancient codes of Fatwah and (un-holy) Jihad.
I want to live in peace, but I shall not live under a lie called "The Religion of Peace", ever so long as they continue to wage everything but peace on their fellow man.
Freedom, respect, tolerance and acceptance await Islam among civlized people, but it is for them to step to the door and beg entry, leaving behind the savagery and barbarity which has been their hallmark since Mohammed swept across the sands, sword in hand and the blood of innocents in his wake.
I stand with one hand open in friendship, and in the other, a gun.