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July 07, 2005



Thank you for pointing out the difference in this excellent piece, Jim. This is exactly the sentiment hubby and I had after 9/11.

"Tragedy". That's all anyone in the media would call it and are still calling it. Bull hockey.


I remember on 9/11 hearing a newsreader on tv saying something-again- about 'terror striking into the hearts of America' and I started yelling "What about the PISSED OFF struck into the hearts of America?!?" I hope the Brits overall are truly pissed off and remember where they came from. But I wonder. Because,among other things, Capt. Quarters linked to an article about how the push for ID cards got a boost from the bombings.

ID cards. Known terrorists living on the dole, people forbidden to protect themselves, and they're pushing ID cards as a fix.

Guy S.

Like Fran, I wonder if we as a nation, as a civilization, still have the ability to not go quietly, but "Rage, rage, against the dying of the light" But with all the political correctness, spin, and flat out lack of balls by so many on the West....is it too little too late?


I don't know about Pissed off, but the song that is going through my head 24/7 since Thursday is this:
I was totally agreeing with almost all of all the posts I'd read with the word 'cowardly' in them btw - until I read this one:
No disrespect at all who have used the word 'cowardly'at all, but it seriously made me think about using it again...
Meh, just me being tired maybe, but then I think I have a right to be now...


Very good post.


As a conservative, I'm no fan of Churchill, but this it an excellently presented blog entry.

I might use the word "atrocity" for an act as heinous as last Thursday's. But in reality, no words can accurately described what happened last week.

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