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August 30, 2005


fast richard

Now, you've done it. I had a stray thought about the Little Dutch Boy with his finger in the... and nearly threw up!


Back with a bang!! Stay awhile, precious. We miss you something terrible.


Talk about water contamination...


Wouldja look at the sneer on that ugly puss. JAY-zuss.


I'm sorry, my engineering mind is going to have to put a stop to this foolishness: those dyke plugs will FLOAT, and won't stay in the breach long enough to plug those dikes.

To keep them from floating, you would have to plug them to let out the hot air.

No apologies to Fast Richard.

Did you ever shoot a bloated carcass? I did, in my wild yute. Came upon a road-kill deer while driving to an out-of-the-way lake to fish. Shot it up with my Woodsman and watched the bubbles blow....


Fuckin' A.



Very Nice,
Linked it for Tue, Sept 6
Thank you,


You get the "coffee spit" award, my friend. Yes, I know it's a good blog entry when I have to wipe coffee off my keyboard, desk and myself.

This is the first entry I've read, but I'm looking forward to purusing the rest of your blog. Who would have thought that typing "bull dyke" into Google Image Search for my own michevious blogging purposes would lead me to such a hilarious entry. Definitely my sense of humor. Good work, and keep it up!

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