It's really very simple now.
The war; not only declared, but enjoined.
On the streets of New Orleans, today, those sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America have abdicated their vows, and now actively violate the Second and Fourth Amendments to the Constitution.
That they do so with force, at gunpoint and with the promise to employ deadly force in order to extract compliance with their unlawful commands is shameful. Absolutely, and completely shameful!
I have never been so glad as to no longer wear the badge as I am today. As far as I am concerned such officers who willingly, cooperatively participate in such a rape of civil rights, forfeit all rights and protections of the badge, uniform and oath.
Doc Russia says it best, and believe me when I tell you; he speaks for me, too.
And for all of those of you who are cops; before you start with the "don't paint us all with the same brush..." meme, let me quietly remind you that there are ZERO reports of cops walking away from such orders, or leaving in protest of their highly illegal nature. ZERO.
The Anarchangel comes to the only logical conclusion regarding the matter.
Let me be clear on this. There is no constitutional or statutory authority for this order. Not on the part of the police chief, not on the part of the mayor, not on the part of the governor; not even on the part of the president.
Martial law has not been declared, but even if it had been, martial law does not authorise the forcible disarmament of the citizenry.
Hope you've got the courage to go read both of those. Moreover, I hope you have the courage to know them both as truth, and to act accordingly?
I've said this quietly before, and only in the presence of friends.
I am single, with no children or dependents. Draw your own conclusion as to the meaning of that statement.
Meanwhile; MOLON FUCKING LABE. I'm locked and loaded, from this day forward.
I'll write more on the politics behind this, shortly.
Suffice to say, this is what you get when you trust any kind of liberals with your vote and with you your rights. And no, I'm not much more confident in W. and his RINO ilk than I am in the Demopimp machine which ran New Orleans and Lousisana lo, these many years.
But the people in Mississippi and Alabama still have their guns. For how long though?
For how long.
That the question should even be asked in my lifetime grieves me.
Molon Labe, baby.
Worth keeping both eyes peeled. I've often wondered what would happen the first time someone decided to do this.
Posted by: og | September 09, 2005 at 08:35 PM
Anytime a liberal asks what is wrong with registering guns, here is the example. The people who followed the fucking rules and registered their guns are now having them taken away. Meanwhile the bad guys still have guns. Only in a fucking liberal's mind.
Posted by: Denny | September 09, 2005 at 09:20 PM
Molon Labe! Molon Labe! MOLON LABE!
Who draws faster? You're gonna be dead before you even THINK of taking my gun. It's not up for debate. Laws do not apply to me if I am presented with THIS situation. I will answer to no other law but my own. I will shoot to kill before I am raped of my right to have a weapon, before I am raped of my right to protect myself. I am sure that my forefathers would feel the same way...
Our "govern"ment enrages me. I feel adrenaline rushing through my body...I am prepared.
Locked and loaded.
Posted by: Dana | September 10, 2005 at 07:59 PM