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September 24, 2005


Kim Carver

Trying to find out how my favorite Galveston barque is doing. Anyone know how Elissa has fared through all this?


Light & Dark

Just this:

Relieved you and critters OK.

Excited and hopeful for New Dawn possibilities.



Thankyou for the update Riverdog



Drop me an email and I'll send you some pre-paid calling card codes for him to use for the short-haul. I pickup these cards at Costco and it only comes out to about 4 cents a minute. He can use them at payphones (if they work), but they put a 30 cent surcharge on payphone calls, and/or cell phones for regular price. The number you call is an 800 number, so you don't have to put any money in payphones to make the call.

I'll give him my current card (700 minutes) which I've already started using - I still have well over 600 minutes available. The card was only $20, so I'm not worried about it. I'd rather have him able to reach those he needs to without worrying about the cost.

Since I don't know what email addresses you'll be sending me (and since I'm posting this on a public forum), please contact me through either thenationofriflemen.com or bootandsabers.com.




Glad the storm wasn't as bad as expected and Jim likely has New Dawn to come home to. Will keep him and New Dawn in our prayers.


It seems our prayers and thoughts have paid off, glad you are well and safe. Thinking of you and the felines. Love Charlie


308Mike: very generous offer for the Cap'n, and I'll pass it along later this am when I try to contact him, but can those codes really be used to RECEIVE incoming calls on a cellphone?

Will contact you on B&S. I'm Rivrdog there also.


Kim Carver:

Don't know about the barque. When I tried to bring up the website, their server was down.

But, the ship predates frail computers, and undoubtedly survived worse than Rita with canvas on her spars, so I'd be hopeful.


I got nothing much to say except, thanks, Lord.It looks as if we've dodged a big one.
Here in Hunt County, Texas, we barely caught the edge of the rain.


Thanks Yeoman RD for the update. Perhaps we can help Jim by sending some $$ through the paypal link too. Tell him that he, the furry ones and the Dawn are in my thoughts and we are here to help in whatever way we can in the refit.



Regarding the incoming cell calls, nope. That all depends on his mobile plan. But he can use them from pay phones or even where he's staying without costing either of them any money. Depending on how long the pay phones have been at a location, their wires might be unaffected by a general outage. Most of the newer residential phones plug into the wall, older phones get their power right from the phone company circuit, which is why you might still have phone service even during a power outage (if you have an older phone).



So glad everything is ok!

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