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September 18, 2005



I'll be watching and hoping you don't have to abandon ship. The next one could easily be headed my way (NC).



Please excuse the ignorant question, but why not move? I have an Aunt who lived in houston or galveston (I don't recall) for a few years, said people towed thier mobile homes a couple hundred miles inland when a big storm was comin.


IL Tim. It's a good question, not a stupid one. But moving a thirty foot sloop isn't a cakewalk.

I'd have to contract an overland hauler, dis-mast the boat, pay the boatyard to hoist it onto the trailer, send it inland to avoid the storm, then have absolutely no clue as to when I could refloat the vessel. Which would most likely have to be a couple hundred miles away, as all the marinas in the storm's impact area would be completely unable to function.

All in all, we're talking about at least two thousand dollars to haul, store and reflaot the boat. I could have it moved to Florida for three-thousand, for comparison.

Mine's only a thirty-footer, displacing 5.2 net tons. Can you imagine the costs involved in moving my friend's forty-four footer, which displaces 27 net tons? Yeowch!

We rig 'em to ride it out as best we can.

The rest is left to prayer and the insurance companies.

Sloop New Dawn
Galveston, TX


Whoa, thats quite an endeavor. Still confused though, couldnt you get out of dodge by way of water? I guess youd have to make a helluva trek and still not be sure your out of the way of the storm though. Not to mention the employment complications with buggin out, I'm sure.


Good luck to you and the cats et al!

Keeping fingers crossed and lighting candles over here...


I'll be praying that you ride out the storm safely.


My prayers are with you...however, after having gone through Ivan, Arlene, Cindy, Dennis, and Katrina, I can still dread the thought of it turning this way again...hang tight, guy.


Reminding you that your standing invite goes double when hiding from hurricanes.

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