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September 30, 2005


Jay G


That's the best thing I've read all week.

Glad to hear everything's okay.


Welcome home Jim , Glad you made it back safe, and I am sure the cats are happy as well : )


Glad you're back, Cap'n. Your Yeoman will now take HIS leave and return to Rivrdog blog and the Lofoten Girl.


Glad you and the cats are back and safe at home.

A Recovering Liberal

Jim, I look forward to sending a "welcome home" batch of homemade cookies. Name yer pleasure.



As one of many well-wishers, I'll add my voice to the chorus.

I'm happy to hear that you and the furfaces are safe and sound and that the New Dawn fared so well. Thanks to all for keeping us up-to-date.


A round of noserubs and a lift of a glass of Maker's to you and the furry crew of the New Dawn. A sigh of relief and another flurry of prayers that you will find the right job soon as. Welcome Home, Cap'n.


At last, a Happy Ending!!! Well, good news anyhow. So glad you're home and the cats can relax! And you too as soon as you finish the chores! ;>


There's no place like home...enjoy.




Great!! and I know the cats are happy too!



Glad to hear you're home and that home is there for you. Clear a space for the kitties before you hit the masterberth; sleep well; sweet dreams.


welcome home.

New dawn indeed. Glad to see you safe and sound where you belong.

Da Goddess

Welcome home, and glad to hear that the New Dawn fared well.

Army of Dad

Glad to hear it!

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