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September 01, 2005



wow watching the news this morning , The looters are shooting at the rescue workers!! people are being brought to FtWorth and Dallas now , and Denton, , People being turned away from the Astrodome !

All the Looters care about is what they can steal from Others , there not stealing food or basic survival stuff, there stealing Tv's and other peoples property , hum how they going to carry that out of New Orleans ??? and shooting at the Rescue workers !!! that beats all !!

That is my 2 cents worth , I could say more but I better not !

Keep up the writing Jim



Assclowns like Greg nonwithstanding, the reality of mobs and looting is this: All rules of moral behavior are suspended.

When you deal with looters, you're dealing with primal group behavior, literally "Lord of the Flies" savagery. These people have effectively had their cortex overridden by limbic processes and are operating at a similar level to a pack of feral dogs.

The veneer of civilization is razor thin at best. We've been tribal hunter/gatherers for a long time and vicious, killer hominids for longer still. It takes very little to push us off the ladder of polite behavior and back down to where we've been for the majority of our time as a taxonomic family.

That's why looting and mob behavior have traditionally been met with an iron fist. Once a few looters get the idea that it's all right to break a window and swipe a Rolex, the avalanche starts and it's nearly impossible to stop - an it is most emphatically not limited to taking a soggy box of Twinkies from the ruins of a Wal-Mart. It quickly turns to rape, murder and random violence.

Years ago, people understood this. We're learning the lesson again.

Daniel Medley

The single most egregious blunder of this whole affair was the failure to shoot and make an example of looters from the very beginning. A couple of dead looters hanging in prominence clad with bullet holes and a sign reading; “looter” would’ve nipped this travesty in the bud.

I truly find it amazing how many people fail to realize that in a disaster such as this you are on your own for a period of time. Disaster after disaster throughout the world and in this country has proven this time and time again. Logical thinking will always lead one to the reality that no matter how much money, time, resources, and effort are thrown at a situation like this; there will ALWAYS be a lag time. It is simply logistically impossible to move the amount of aid needed in this situation any faster.

Bottom line; anyone who expects, indeed relies on, government help in the short-term in a situation like this is a fool. In a disaster of this scale you are on your own for an indeterminable amount of time and you better prepare.


Daniel could not be more correct.

Remember "lag time".


Right you both are.

FEMA recommends that everyone keep a "72 hour kit" stocked and ready.

I'd like to point out that it's now Day 4 relief is only beginning to arrive. A realistic "BOB" (bug out bag) should probably have at least 5-7 days of provisions, be light enough to backpack and always loaded and ready to go. Here are a couple of links:



How soon we forget. 99 years ago the people of San Francisco, my grandparents included, picked themselves up off theier floors or out of the rubble of their homes and businesses and looked around. Almost immediately, Committees of Public Safety, with determined, armed men, formed to protect from looters.

The Federal Government rushed ALL available troops to the area, and ALL the railroads accepted shipments Free On Board for San Francisco.

The Army found fires raging uncontrolled when they arrived, so they blew up parts of the city to deny the fires their fuel and so control them.

Then the Army shot looters.

They didn't have to shoot many, as the word soon got out to the looter-cowards and they refrained from further predations.

San Francisco was rebuilt, as will be New Orleans.

Hopefully, the Feds will insist that the city be raised up some feet to bring it up from below sea level, like they did with the rebuilding of Galveston, TX 100 years ago.

Hopefully, also, the citizens will uplift themselves also, up from sheep who depend on handouts of the "shepherds" of the welfare agencies to independent, strong people who have what it takes to survive.

'official' looters

"The single most egregious blunder of this whole affair was the failure to shoot and make an example of looters from the very beginning. A couple of dead looters hanging in prominence clad with bullet holes and a sign reading; “looter” would’ve nipped this travesty in the bud."

Yes, you lot are right. If some of those evil black hungry savages had been hung at the begining then the FEMA kids would never have been tempted to loot jewery and designer clothing.

Greg Botello

How am I responible for rapes that didn't happen - glad to hear that we are all starting to get our news from Céline Dion, Barbra Streisand, and Bette Midler. I say that people should loot for food, water and supplies and now I'm responsible for rapes that didn't even happen. OK YES, that is very rational.

Greg Botello

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