Two words which evoke all manner of meories, feelings, actions. A day which changed the world, forever.
This morning, I visited each and every site on my blogroll. And there are truly some superb rememberences of this date, four years ago.
But none so absolutely fitting as this.
.................................Kwok. Angela R. Kyte. Kathryn L. LaBorie. Amarnauth Lachhman. Andrew LaCorte. Ganesh Ladkat. James P. Ladley. Daniel M. Van Laere. Joseph A. Lafalce. Jeanette LaFond-Menichino. David LaForge. Michael Patrick LaForte. Alan Lafranco. Juan Lafuente. Neil K. Lai. Vincent A. Laieta. William David Lake. Franco Lalama. Chow Kwan Lam. Lt. Michael Scott Lamana. Stephen LaMantia. Amy Hope Lamonsoff. Robert T. Lane. Brendan M. Lang. Rosanne P. Lang. Vanessa Langer. Mary Lou Langley. Peter J. Langone. Thomas Langone. Michele B. Lanza. Ruth Sheila Lapin. Carol Ann LaPlante. Ingeborg Astrid Desiree Lariby. Robin Larkey. Judy Larocque. Christopher Randall Larrabee. Hamidou S. Larry. Scott Larsen. John Adam Larson. Natalie Janis Lasden. Gary E. Lasko. Nicholas C. Lassman. Paul Laszczynski. Jeffrey Latouche. Cristina de Laura......................
George Moneo. Thank you. You said it about three-thousand times better than all the words I could have written.
Be still now, and quiet. And read to yourself, every name.
D.I... (from Mo'hammin')
Posted by: burd_song | April 23, 2006 at 11:03 PM